The Summerfields Neighborhood Association (SNA) was founded in 1994 as a 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of life for area residents and to serve as the focal point for the City of Fort Worth on all issues impacting Summerfields. All of the officers and members are volunteers. Any surplus funds are returned to the community in the form of park improvements, college scholarships, Christmas programs for the elderly, and other specific programs. Membership is voluntary and the association enforces no deed restrictions or other rules besides the ordinances and codes of the City of Fort Worth. We are active in reporting area code violations and coordinate with the city for all planning, zoning and variance issues within our boundaries.

We have a new feature for you: We are happy to offer a new page on this website called Meeting View with the link to it in the left menu. The page allows you to see a video recording of the meeting. We hope you will find this feature useful.

The city of Fort Worth has published guidelines for bulk trash collection. Also, click here for a quick guide on solid waste management rules and information in downloadable PDF format.

Next General Meeting: